Leo Campasso est un animateur indépendant argentin de 23 ans, qui m'a envoyé son dernier film Travelers with short legs. Un mix 2D/3D/Flash qui m'a un peu rappelé le travail de Nelson Boles au début du film, puis qui part un peu dans d'autres veines graphiques, formant un tout ma foi plaisant (même si le sound design est un peu étrange).
Voir sur Vimeo en HD, ou directement :
It tells the story of a traveller who, moving away from a troubled relationship, decides to go on a journey in search of new stories and change. But he could never imagine what would happen: finding a new friend, a smell pet with which to continue his journey and his life. Halfway through their journey, they cross paths with Deceit shaped into a monster, who tries to wrap over the traveller again. As it happens with every adventure, it ends with a happy ending.

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Danger Beach - Apache

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English : Catsuka is an independent website with no advertising, I don't earn any money. If you like my work, you can help me my supporting my Patreon, or make a Paypal donation to pay hosting service fees. Thanks!

P3 (Pierrick le poulpe Puissant)